Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to Strength & Length!

    • Strength Defined

    • Lengthening Strength Theory

    • What is a "Life-Score"?

  • 2


    • Flex Band Pt. 1

    • Flex Band Pt. 2

    • Proper Push-Ups, Planks, & Positions for Shoulder Structural Mobility & Stability

  • 3


    • Core

    • Core

    • Core

    • Core

    • Core

  • 4

    Hips, Core, Arms

    • Hips, Core, Arms

    • Hips, Core, Arms

    • Hips, Core, Arms

  • 5

    Legs & Arms

    • Legs & Arms

    • Legs & Arms

    • Legs & Arms

  • 6

    Abs & Arms

    • Rotational Work

    • Spinal Mobility

    • Abs & Arms

    • Abs & Arms

  • 7

    Under 10 Mins!

    • Legs & Abs

    • Legs & Abs 2

    • Legs & Shoulders

    • Spine & Abs

    • Title?

  • 8

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats, You've Completed the Course!

    • More Resources For You

    • A Short Survey!